Predicting Strict Trifecta Outcomes after Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Comparison of RENAL, PADUA, and C-Index Scores
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C-index, PADUA, partial nephrectomy, RENAL, Trifecta
Nephrometry scores are designed to characterize tumors and stratify the surgical complexity. It remains unclear as to which nephrometry score can accurately predict the surgical outcomes. We aimed to assess the utility of radius, exophytic/endophytic, nearness, anterior/posterior, location (RENAL), preoperative aspects and dimensions used for anatomic classifications (PADUA), and centrality index (C-index) nephrometry scores for predicting the strict Trifecta achievement from a single institution series robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN). We retrospectively identified the prospectively maintained robotic surgery database records of 91 patients who underwent RAPN between June 2015 and September 2020 in Antalya Training and Research Hospital. The main outcome of the study was the achievement of strict Trifecta (negative surgical margin, no major urologic complications, warm ischemia time ≤25 min, and ≥85% preservation of estimated glomerular filtration rate). A multivariable analysis was performed to identify the factors of strict Trifecta success. The mean patient age was 55.82 ± 13.37 years with a median clinical tumor size of 3.5 cm (IQR 2.5–4.9). The median RENAL, PADUA, and C-index score were 7(IQR 6–8), 8(IQR 7–10), and 2.01(IQR 1.64–2.72), respectively. A strict Trifecta could be achieved in 54 patients (59.3%). Clinical tumor size (P = 0.011), RENAL risk groups (low:reference; intermediate; P = 0.040; high; P = 0.009), PADUA risk groups (low:reference; intermediate; P = 0.044; high; P = 0.001) and C-index risk groups (low:reference; high; P = 0.015) were the independent predictors of strict Trifecta attainment in the multivariate analysis. None of the nephrometry scores were a superior predictor compared to other nephrometry scores in comparative analysis. RENAL, PADUA, and C-index scores were all independent predictors of a strict Trifecta achievement. Our comprehensive comparison of the three scores identified that none of the nephrometry scores proved to be inferior to others nephrometry scores.
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