Leiomyoma of Kidney

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Vishnu Karayil R
Mini Bhaskarashenoy
Geetha Sukumaran


renal leiomyomas, tumors, wedge resection, kidney


Renal leiomyomas are rare benign mesenchymal tumors of kidney that affect adults of second to sixth decade. They can present as small asymptomatic multifocal lesions that are identified only in autopsy, or as large solitary lesions that cause pain and abdominal distention. Histomorphologically it appears exactly like its counterpart in other soft tissues. Differentiating renal leiomyoma from the lipid-poor angiomyolipoma is difficult by morphology, hence immunohistochemical studies are recommended. The case described is that of a female patient aged 74 years with a small solitary lesion in right kidney, who presented with history of pain and abdominal distention. She underwent wedge resection, histopathologically and immunohistochemically diagnosed as renal leiomyoma.

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