Published: 2020-06-09

Short Communication

Management of Residual or Recurrent Disease Following Thermal Ablation of Renal Cortical Tumors

Justin Loloi, W. Bruce Shingleton, Stephen Y. Nakada, Ronald J. Zagoria, Jaime Landman, Benjamin R. Lee, Surena F. Matin, Kamran Ahrar, Raymond J. Leveillee, Jeffrey A. Cadeddu, Jay D. Raman
Abstract 2011 | PDF Downloads 1212 HTML Downloads 345 XML Downloads 346

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Kidney Cancer: Case Reports

A Case of Metastatic Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer Syndrome-Associated Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with a Sequence of Axitinib and Nivolumab Following Cytoreductive Nephrectomy

Ichiro Yonese, Masaya Ito, Kosuke Takemura, Takao Kamai, Fumitaka Koga
Abstract 1741 | PDF Downloads 812 HTML Downloads 489 XML Downloads 348

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Kidney Cancer: Original Articles

Surgical Outcome of Renal Cell Carcinoma with Tumor Thrombus Extension into Inferior Vena Cava and Right Atrium (Beating Heart Removal of Level 4 Thrombus): A Challenging Scenario

Abdul Rouf Khawaja, Khalid Sofi, Yasir Dar, Muzaain Khateeb, Javeed Magray, Abdul Waheed, Sajad Malik, Arif Hamid Bhat, Mohd. Saleem Wani, Akbar Bhat
Abstract 1463 | PDF Downloads 835 HTML Downloads 422 XML Downloads 351

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