Short Communication
Mayo Adhesive Probability Score Does Not Have Prognostic Ability in Locally Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
Abstract 510 | PDF Downloads 838 HTML Downloads 45 XML Downloads 7Page 19-25
Kidney Cancer: Case Reports
Delayed Cardiac Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma Caused by VHL Mutation
Abstract 448 | PDF Downloads 894 HTML Downloads 49 XML Downloads 11Page 15-18
Kidney Cancer: Review Articles
Ligustrazine Inhibits the Migration and Invasion of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Abstract 546 | PDF Downloads 988 HTML Downloads 66 XML Downloads 15Page 1-8
Kidney Cancer: Original Articles
The Significance of Serum C-Reactive Protein and Neutrophil–Lymphocyte Ratio in Predicting the Diagnostic Outcomes of Renal Mass Biopsy Procedure
Abstract 473 | PDF Downloads 907 HTML Downloads 53 XML Downloads 11Page 9-14
Letter to Editor
Screening for Latent Polycythemia Vera in Renal Cell Carcinoma–Associated Erythrocytosis
Abstract 511 | PDF Downloads 660 HTML Downloads 43 XML Downloads 6Page 26-27